Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Numbers on Facebook Status - Reason Behind

Numbers on Facebook Status - Reason Behind : Earlier this year, women were suddenly posting colors in their Facebook statuses. Why would anybody post a seemingly random color, such as "red" or "pink" or "white" on their Facebook status? It turns out that through a grassroots effort, women were posting the color of their bras on Facebook in order to raise awareness for breast cancer.

Last week, people changed their Facebook profile pictures to cartoons to stand up to child abuse and violence, and it wasn’t long before rumors started to surface the the Facebook cartoon profile picture meme was a hoax set up by child predators.

Today, everyone is wondering what the number game on Facebook is all about. Are the numbers on Facebook status/Facebook Number Game the next cartoon hoax craze?

The number game on Facebook definitely has the potential to go as viral as the cartoon craze…but will the numbers on Facebook status game turn out to be some sort of hoax?

1 comment:

  1. I hadn't heard of the numbers game on facebook did I miss the memo lol The cartoon and colors were for a good thing and I hope this trend continues
