Friday, September 18, 2009

Arianne Prevost | Ariane Prevost

Arianne Prevost, a mother of 10-month old girl, has killed an 11 ft. long alligator on Tuesday. Arianne Prevost of Satellite Beach, bagged an 11-foot, 450-lb. swamp beast with a crossbow during her first ever outing, and also happens to photograph well.

Arianne recalls that when she made the shot she had absolutely no idea about the size of the gator; however, the men around her were making guesses that it was a big one. Arianne used a Muzzy Predator and when she made the shot it threw at the right place, the back of the alligator. On her second shot, Arianne put the predator on the neck of the alligator. It helped her control the animal. She then made the final shot in the skull of the gator with her crossbow. Arianne and Robert claimed the gator hunt on Tuesday at 9 pm. Rohmann and Deeks then weighed the gator and estimated that it was more than 450 lbs.

Prevost, a skilled archer, was out with her boyfriend when she slayed the behemoth with two perfect shots from 10 to 15 feet, and then a broadhead shot from close range.


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