Saturday, November 20, 2010

Lavy's Laws

more laws to come.. more 2500 laws to follow very soon

Lavy's Laws



1. no more changing of course (BEED, SPED, CHEM, MED)
2. speak english to andrew
3. work first then play
4. your worst day is better than any wonderful day of 6000 years ago
7. when you see the SUN or the clouds or the stars --- know that GOD loves you
8. enjoy your legs --- but do not use them to walk into trouble
9. be nice to everyone --- they may be your boss someday
11. if GOD made you a man ---- act like it
12. if GOD made you a woman ---- act like a lady
13. THERE IS NO UNLUCKY NUMBER --- and no unlucky day
14. enjoy your dream
15. always take sides --- i hope its GOD's not satans
16. to receive love --- make sure you have earned it
17. never think you are the worst in anything --- i already filled that position
18. GOD is not deaf ---- turn down the volume
19. hands are made for holding loved one's --- not for throwing rocks
20. doing your best makes GOD smile
21. people in love never cheat
22. eat slowly and enjoy the food that GOD has provided
23. don't just open books --- read and and learn from them
24. give till it hurts --- to give less makes you a disappointment
26. people may call you many things or many names --- but GOD knows who you really are
27. GOD must love wrinkles --- coz he gave them to everyone
28. today is the very best --- did you stop long enough to enjoy it
29. when you walk through life --- smell the flowers ---- don't walk on them
30. waste is the challenge --- not the solution
31. grass only grows coz GOD waters it
32. if you follow GOD's advise --- it will only lead to salvation
33. not all policemen are bullies --- so show me 1 nice one
34. fat butt's mean you do not care
35. GOD chooses his words wisely ---- do you
36. GOD gave his only son to us and we killed him --- please people ----- do not do that again
37. make every move count ----- GOD does
38. did you stop long enough to pray today ---- make the time
39. keep your mouth closed --- flies might like whats inside
40. mind your own business and do not talk trash
41. hands are such wonderful things ---- they can help so many if you just use them
42. when you hurt someone --- does that make you feel better
43. i have the corner at being wrong --- so you must be the one who is always right
44. sometimes we forget who really owns this rock
45. what i don't have today --- i don't really need
46. put the world in your heart
47.i was stupid not to see most of what i looked at
48. the best way to solve issues is to smile -- shake hands -- and talk
49. jealous people only find trouble --- the rest find happiness
50. don't try to change the world --- GOD made it perfect the first time
51. not all politicians are corruptible --- maybe
52. all laws are made to hurt ---- someone or everyone
53. your nose is to smell GOD's beauty --- not to put in my face
54. help when asked --- mind your own business if not
55. do not join those fighting over a mountain of sand
56. those who use drugs --- deserve what they get
57. if its your fault ---- correct it
58. keep yourself clean --- inside and out
59. play only beneficial games
60. be sure of your goal before you meet someone half way
61. enjoy the challenge --- GOD has
62. watch your mouth --- it might bite you on your butt
63. dance to the right music
64. not all change is for the better
65. when you accept a proposal --- make sure GOD will approve
66. GOD gave you time to think --- use that time wisely
67. the difference between hard evidence and faith --- makes the man
68. those who would suppress you --- work for Satan
69. if you need something to hang onto --- try GOD and don't let go
70. smoking is a good way to learn to suffer someday
71. old age is when your 9000 years young and older
72. words help your brain file useful bits of information
73. the good do not die young --- they live in our minds for forever
74. you can not eat your way into being beautiful
75. can you name one good dictator --- so why act like one
76. a brain is like a loaf of bread --- it gets moldy just sitting there
77. if you don't know what you are talking about --- you must be my other brother
78. do you know why we love GOD ---- without him there would only be nothingness
79. without GOD's direction ---- you would only go in circles
80. i can not count the way's my wife loves me -- because her love is unconditional
81. impressing people will not get you into heaven
82. overloading a branch is risky -- so is telling GOD a lie
83. there is no beauty in cruel
84. being pleasant is a good thing
85. keeping your word is one of the steps towards excellence
86. be thankful GOD gives you so many chances to improve
87. i can dress for cold -- but not for stupid
88. our sleep gives GOD a rest from our ignorance
89. laughter makes our face hurt-- but sadness breaks our heart
90. if you are not smart enough to save now -- then when
91. enjoy your youth -- work hard -- enjoy your retirement
92. when you travel fast -- you loose so much
93. our world will end --- when stupid is in power
94. we have our differences here -- but there is only one GOD
95. why did GOD put our feet facing forward --- so we would not keep going back
96. why did GOD make all foods taste different -- so each of us could find something we liked
97. some mushrooms and some people carry harmful poison for the rest of us
98. eating potato's bring out the flavor in real butter
99. relax people of little faith -- when all the stars burn up their hydrogen --- GOD will make more out of the nothingness
100. Blue is GOD's favorite color -- he surrounded us with it
101.prepare yourself now -- do not whimper when the last day comes
102. if you love your family -- you should love GOD who gave them to you
103. there is only one road to heaven -- leave on it now
104. the pen is not mightier than the sword -- the word of GOD is
105. be happy when you feel pain -- it means you are still alive
106. GOD has left holes in the universe for all things to reside
107. a big belly to offset your big butt -- is not what you really need
108. never feel sad about me -- i had a wonderful life
109. strike me all you want -- if that is your wish
110. yes GOD gave you beauty -- but he gave me His love
111. all kingdoms pass away except one
112. you are not free if you feel jealously
113. there is help for the wicked -- just shoot them
114. confidence comes when you put your trust in God
115. i could change -- but -- i don't think i would like myself any better
116. respect is not a dirty word -- but use it with care
117. being king of your house is good -- only if they love you there
118. do not quote anything as fact -- that might be gossip
119. there is no love in hell -- did you hear that there was
120. we can influence it -- but only god can change history
121. i believe cowards hide in uniforms -- so they can carry guns
122. GOD offers eternal life -- satan can only offer failure
123. the meek may not inherit the earth -- coz -- they are not evil enough
124. where you come from is not important -- where you are headed is
125. if you must kill -- do it for the right reason -- like GOD
126. mock those who deserve it -- treat others with respect
127. leave your chip on the fire -- not at work or play
128. even the smallest of bug's -- deserves consideration
129. all sexual predators work for Satan
130. you are not the government -- live within your means
131. every lesson makes your life easier
132. Christmas proves one thing -- Jesus lives in the hearts and minds of man
133. you know you are special the first time your child smiles at you
134. be sure of the goal before you compete
135. rich like love -- comes in many colors
136. not all rich people are bad
137. not everyone knows of electricity nor can they read or write -- why is that
138. when we put the meek in jail -- what do we gain
139. when we steal from others --- we steal something also from ourselves
140. would you feed rotten meat to yourself -- then why try to feed it to GOD
141. just because you drive a car -- doesn't mean you own the road
142. i am always right -- even when i am wrong
143. men hide their imperfections with a beard -- women with wrinkles
144. men are circumsized coz they are to dumb to wash also
145. the next generation has a few ideas -- give them room
146. GOD gave me twice the years as JESUS -- but i wasted a lot of them
147. i will never be the grandfather of wisdom -- that job was already taken
148. GOD does not go on vacation and leave anyone in charge except JESUS
149. wisdom does not fall from my lips -- only thoughts sometimes
150. be on time -- never keep man or GOD waiting
151. when we finish polluting this world -- will GOD be happy
152. never never never stop your dream -- go forward always
153. there is precious little time to
154. what two words does GOD love to hear -- THANK YOU
155. all of GOD's children are nice -- those who are not are not
156. if i fail -- do you win
157. attorneys are good for one thing -- i will let them tell you what that might be -- coz i forget
158. a lot of us in America are not free -- especially now
159. determination is half of the battle -- the other half is
160. stay out of the sun dummy -- or just watch the skin cancer grow
161. where is the class act or dignity in a tattoo
162. corruption is now the world norm
163. with all this confusion -- i lost my place
164. salt and pepper go together -- 2 men or 2 women as lovers don't
165. some of us need glass's to see clearly -- some people can't see clearly -- no matter what we do for them
166. we don't need brains to lie
167. there are always exceptions -- i was one of them
168. not following God's way -- leads you down the path of rag pickers
169. any color is just fine -- and hopefully healthy as well
170. never call me on the phone after 7pm
171. i am pretty sure that you are not listening when i say NO
172. i do not need any extended service plan -- just a quality product
173. my recycle bin is full -- so from now on -- give it to me straight
174. forget the Jone's -- just be yourself
175. forget the beer -- make the house payment
176. heaven will be wonderful for sure -- but -- i will miss this place
177. battles are never easy -- even if you win
178. massive fraud is everywhere -- except -- in heaven
179. leading candidates promise us everything -- but only give us more debt
180. the spiraling epidemic of climbing over population -- will kill us all
181. we now live in a traumatized world -- why does it need to be so
182. our nation believes in the robin hood effect
183. off with their heads -- will soon -- again be the cry
184. sprawling slums -- will soon be the norm
185. none of us will live long enough -- to see greed and corruption pass away
186. jewels do not make the woman -- her heart does
187. a miscarriage of justice -- is to add more laws
188. the criminalization of politics -- says it all
189. heavy handed police tactics -- reflects their real inner selves
190. abuse of power here -- says it all to GOD -- who is watching us
191. honestly and ethically -- are becoming -- just lost words
192. political campaigns -- just suck
193. little involvement from us -- is no help -- that's only going backwards
194. if you are disgraced -- just start over -- never give up
195. my space -- means -- respect my privacy
196. you are never released from your -- responsibilities
197. tickets to heaven -- are still available
198. make your best offer now -- and i will think on it
199. a terrorist is just -- a paid thug of Satan
200. does printing more money -- lower our nations debt
201. unrest is among us -- i have raised fears of wider unrest
202. who is leading the race to heaven
203. outright victory will come to who
204. ignore GOD now -- pay for it later
205. don't be displaced by -- following Satan
206. warn officials of your displeasure
207. a stooge could easily become president
208. i am in disgust -- with our present government
209. the system is about to rupture
210. chaos is among us -- there is no credible government in this world
211. we are paralyzed -- by media shock
212. gratuitous requests -- line the pockets -- of politicians
213. decision makers -- only work for themselves
214. access to information -- does not exist
215. formulating a policy -- is directly proportional to the amount of money in your pocket
216. the intention of government -- is to hide information
217. limited access -- has hampered all of us
218. obstacles control us -- its imperative we see this
219. the biggest lie is -- all the huffing and puffing -- politicians do
220. the real danger is -- we might begin to believe what government says
221. to many conditions -- are put on our freedom
222. who says -- our government is vague
223. taxation is a must -- but limit it to 10%
224. tension in this world -- is reaching its limit
225. a judge is like a crack in the sidewalk -- don't step on them
226. full scale war must erupt soon -- the munition business's need money
227. everyone is directly effected -- by cowards
228. vast nuclear capabilities -- scare the hell out of me
229. the repercussions of these small wars -- effect our livelihood
230. plundering is a # 1 top priority -- government program
231. state coffers are emptied by -- fools and idiots
232. the reality is -- being out of a job sucks
233. transfer your money now to the government -- you don't need it
234. your retirement money is gone or going -- coz you don't need it
235. evil will never be ousted -- coz you really love it
236. how can i get in on all this widespread corruption -- i love money also
237. plundering must be a good thing -- so many people do it
238. kickbacks -- make the world turn
239. all politicians -- deserve pardons
240. government employees -- learn double quick -- to deny and stall
241. personal redemption -- never comes to Satan's workers
242. the undocumented -- should just go home
243. rise up -- and crack down -- on corruption
244. granting general amnesty -- is a democratic engineered ploy to secure more votes
245. GOD's royal pardons -- will soon end
246. think about it -- you can't buy insurance -- against GOD's raft
247. the reimplementation of respect -- is whats needed
248. i am skeptical -- that the world -- will recover soon
249. we are victims -- of poor judgment
250. there is no substitution -- for JESUS

251. what fool authorized -- this corruption
252. soon -- there will be no tomorrow -- for Satan
253. prohibition -- should have taught us a big lesson -- making something illegal -- comes with a heavy price tag
254. subsistence assistance -- is no substitute for a job
255. welfare is now -- an expensive joke
256. all of us has basic needs -- why is government -- taking them from us
257. release us from our slavery -- America
258. my allegations may be denied -- but are they still true
259. human trafficking -- remains a major scourge
260. we are all victims -- of the greed of welfare
261. education leads to -- a partial freedom
262. all reform measures -- remove freedoms
263. governments do not -- facilitate anything good
264. outsourcing killed America -- how does it feel to be second class
265. where is the beauty -- in graffiti -- an oblation to Satan i think
266. barricade yourself -- from satans grasp
267. be on guard from -- simultaneous strikes -- from all sides
268. denounce evil -- walk out of its grasp
269. maybe if all your deals fall through -- it might actually be a good thing
270. if government continues to choose to remain deaf -- people will take to the streets
271. budget cuts -- are a result of past greed
272. a powerful message -- will soon come
273. meager salaries -- will soon be the norm
274. shift your focus from -- corruption - evil - and greed
275. the best of the best -- will soon -- head into the heavens in ships -- we should wish them well
276. my world is more beautiful now -- coz you are in it
277. unless asked for -- opinions should be kept -- to yourself
278. inadequate facilities -- are a result -- of bad governments
279. find ways -- to improve excellence
280. reducing subsidies to universities -- is another way to say -- no to the future -- of all countries
281. tie-ups are what -- politicians do best
282. scarce public funds is what is left over -- after politicians get their hands on our tax money -- after they first -- fill their pockets
283. the hottest deal in town -- is still GOD
284. our biggest cities -- are becoming -- dilapidated and lacking
285. we are currently confined -- to a distressed world
286. soon -- there will be none left -- to victimize
287. we all make mistakes that can never be -- remedied
288. just being delayed -- is punishment
289. please help us GOD -- with a mass deportation -- of our politicians
290. federal officials -- should have -- lost their jobs first
291. for some -- the road to incompetence -- is wide and well traveled
292. rejoice now all you sinners -- your day will come
293. end violence against women -- provide women with guns and how to use them
294. we are to busy lining our pockets -- to care
295. apply zero tolerance -- towards electing government officials
296. awareness comes to late -- for most of us
297. instability -- is what we end up with -- because of laws
298. politicians -- do not understand economics -- like poor people
299. reason -- has sharply deteriorated -- in the past few years
300. all our shortcomings -- have put a faster depletion pressure -- on our natural resources
301. i know -- who not to vote for -- next time
302. bitterness can dwell within us -- for a very long time
303. a sustainable peace -- how do we attain that
304. fish need clean water to drink -- also
305. this life -- is the real incredible deal
306. what will get us back to where -- the government worked
307. please give -- the government needs -- our money
308. maybe we should go all the way back -- and review -- all our enhancement programs
309. martial law -- is coming -- just you wait and see
310. uncovering the truth -- only hurts who?
311. we have to think of something -- to properly replace -- what we have now
312. is this a land -- where killers and politicians -- all wear smiles
313. why keep ripping off -- the meek and good
314. i love the taste -- of lemon grass soup
315. America -- is no longer -- the cutting edge
316. our brain size
317. never land -- is nowhere -- in sight
318. please drive carefully -- i am another egg
319. be careful climbing in -- the water is already hot
320. the melt down -- is upon us
321. do you really need -- all that extra sugar
322. an orange a day -- keeps the grumpiest away
323. you idiot -- how stupid can you be? -- all of us live on this same ball
324. the only thing faster than light -- is corruption
325. at my age -- even no sounds good
326. bitter is not better -- get over it
327. i was born here -- my heart is elsewhere now
328. who cares what you think -- just give me the truth
329. whats the name of that fool public official -- who thinks he deserves special anything
330. these public officials who take cars home from work -- should pay $5.00 a mile for the privilege
331. alot of public officials have something leaking from their butts -- that the rest of us are slipping on
332. choose your words carefully -- so you do not sound like a politician
333. when they say it will not cost us anything -- hand me my shotgun
334. i want my money back -- i did not agree to fund that
335. i want a ticket to china -- all the jobs went over there
336. we better build more buildings now -- we are going to need more soup kitchens soon
337. hello world -- what we need is performance
338. all government employees -- think they are gifted
339. satan has spearheaded -- this negative behavior
340. what we have here people is -- lacking leadership
341. where is the next generation -- of spacecraft people
342. this present state -- is no state at all
343. workmanship pride here is gone -- why
344. where is the restoration -- of peoples civil rights
345. politicians can never be -- martyrs or heroes
346. remembrance -- is what people lack
347. all the attorneys learn to -- do the boogie woogie
348. a room full of judges -- is a room full of air
349. politicians remind me of -- communist guerrillas
350. a Marxist rebellion with combatants -- a typical American day
351. rebels rule here -- because logic was suspended in 1960
352. who acquires lavish homes -- reflecting their idiosyncrasies
353. only fools and idiots believe -- there is no GOD
354. nobody knows public relations -- like the poor
355. nobody knows what honesty looks like -- until they see it
356. our nations capital -- has turned into a nightlife haunt
357. we are loosing our -- sophistication
358. we closed our eyes -- as our world slid into ruin and dispair
359. nothing automatically lifts your spirit -- like thinking about GOD
360. where is that place -- that knocks peoples socks off
361. high style tailor-made -- is only the dream of the poor and hungry
362. there are no jewel colors -- in the slums
363. we will all need -- punching bags soon
364. some people are addicted to shoes -- the rest of us just food and water
365. buy lanterns and fuel now -- because darkness is on its way
366. obvious images of corruption -- are all around us
367. we called the manicured and bejeweled fools -- officers of the law
368. governments and courtrooms -- move just as fast -- as cigar store mannequins
369. politicians live in cozy alcoves with leathery furniture -- called offices
370. asked about the function of courts -- average people don't know
371. remember all the police -- are on the shooting team
372. we really didn't do to well this past election -- some fools still made it in
373. Satan and his henchmen -- will never defeat GOD
374. we don't need gold or silver -- just honesty in government
375. victory and validation -- is possible for all of us
376. grass roots is the tea party experience
377. its amazing -- just to be able to think
378. we gain valuable experience -- from fools and idiots
379. have we forgotten -- love thy neighbor
380. criticism does not work -- we need action for results
381. prove yourself -- get involved
382. a youth development program -- should start in church
383. run roughshod -- on governments and courts
384. freedom is winnable
385. i really think we should stop -- sending fools and idiots to washington
386. add to your losses -- become a democrat
387. send attorneys and judges -- back to school
388. international fools -- are among us
389. everything here is big -- and made for dumb kids
390. high tech -- is GOD
391. who -- really loves you
392. nothing can surprise ma anymore -- i found the creator
393. experience does not count -- for government jobs
394. defeat yourself -- shy away from GOD
395. i remember the time -- men acted with respect
396. playing side by side -- removes color
397. opponents in wars -- are idiots
398. rise to the top -- look - listen and learn
399. a big boost to the world -- is honesty
400. our participation -- is required

401. train a little harder -- read the bible
402. you can do better -- the next time around -- if you just try
403. just watch the giggles -- from behind the bench
404. going up to the podium for a politician -- is the same as getting a gold medal
405. we have a long way to go again -- before we are free
406. wake up world -- you have dreamed -- long enough
407. pass the vodka and juice -- so i can make ready for TV tonight
408. but you promised it to me -- last week
409. i love the smell of -- honesty and fair play
410. GOD'a watching -- grrr -- we should be doing things in style
411. reach for the heavens people -- get a wonderful education
412. education -- changes the way -- we see our world
413. not everyone gets smart -- going to school
414. no piece of paper -- makes you a man
415. government programs -- have ruined our schools
416. i love -- to eat cheese
417. its no longer enough -- to only check it twice
418. help us -- feed the world
419. plan for your retirement -- get rid of democrats now
420. whitewashing -- used to mean painting the fence
421. most do over served sentences for the courts -- to prove their worth
422. wrong verdicts matter -- but not to the court
423. we need the reinstatement -- of GOD's laws
424. deliberating -- has kept us from space
425. second place -- is a start
426. encourage all people -- to work together
427. there is no competition in -- truth or law
428. going for a swim -- is icing on the cake
429. an uprising -- maybe the only way -- for freedom
430. was the arc -- built in vain
431. it is wonderful that GOD -- does not treat us the way we treated his son
432. uprisings are not new -- we have been through them before
433. a standoff -- is not moving forward
434. there is no order -- to suspend the truth
435. lock in the price -- of passage to heaven
436. JESUS can't be wrong -- he gets everything first hand
437. the end is near -- all should fear
438. make us bleed -- make us suffer
439. i can still remember when people had hope -- precorruption days
440. please help me GOD -- their gaining on me
441. prevent America's destruction -- vote them out
442. who has the right plan -- Satan or GOD
443. their departure is set -- for 2012
444. our current will be joining -- our former presidents
445. there is an importance -- to our mission
446. invitations are extended -- into GOD's kingdom
447. was GOD lonely -- before he created the heavens and the earth
448. what was GOD's job 7000 years ago in the nothingness
449. does GOD -- have a wife
450. ask Satan why -- we have so many vices
451. it maybe to late for me -- but you still have a chance
452. can we work together -- as a team
453. there is a contingency plan -- for bad government
454. most people refuse to speculate and reach a verdict on cowards
455. defend the democrats -- they have so little time left
456. courts use local media to try a case -- before it goes to trial
457. most false allegations -- come from democratic lawmakers
458. talk comes easier -- when you are well fed and have a job
459. our middle class society -- is fed up with democratic lies
460. the spoils of our country -- feed the courts
461. go ahead kick us again -- you have all the guns and badges
462. determination is half the battle -- the other half is
463. stay out of the sun dummy -- or just watch your skin cancer grow
464. where is the class -- in a tattoo
465. corruption -- is the world
466. fraud is everywhere -- except heaven
467. who gives themselves a bonus -- everyday
468. maybe politicians -- have an eye problem
469. do politicians have a -- double dose of worms
470. GOD gave everything a brain -- was ours the best
471. worms have 2 hearts -- some of us none
472. we need a favorable -- return policy
473. the space between good and evil -- is very thin
474. this list is absurd -- because this world is absurd
475. screen all prosecutors -- to see if they can read
476. discrimination is 100% in America -- both ways
477. the definition of a judges sentence -- another slave
478. good parenting is making sure -- their children get a complete education
479. education only works -- if parents help and care
480. health care is the responsibility -- of parents
481. many democrats -- hide there condition -- out of shame
482. attitudes are changing -- do you like what you see
483. propaganda is what politicians try -- to sell us
484. watch the stampede out of Washington in 2012
485. attorneys need -- after class exercises
486. trampling on the facts -- does not change them
487. scrutiny is needed -- in our capital
488. we need to take our government workers -- to the hospital for treatment
489. an accident occurred when -- our president was elected
490. US intelligence -- is now a bad joke
491. the truth will be -- divulged soon
492. our president runs -- a hell hole government
493. governments version of this economy -- just doesn't fit
494. the proliferation of lies -- is a national disgrace
495. promised deliveries are not -- delivered deliveries
496. technology suffers because -- government wastes so much
497. the highest level for us to attain -- is to be honest
498. proliferation of evil -- must end
499. the issue is simple -- wise up America -- be involved
500. finger-painting and nit-picking -- are a democratic thing

501. requests for information -- is not in the wind
502. soon we will risk it all -- in the name of freedom
503. tell me where i can join -- the opposition political party
504. long prison terms are -- endangering our countries security
505. police stations here have long ago -- transported into satans care
506. harshest sentences out by the court should go to -- democratic government workers
507. we need more political activism -- against corruption
508. government hostility underscores -- political reform
509. lots of freeloading government employees -- need to be exiled
510. wild gnomes might -- rule in our congress
511. miraculous agreements are -- a 10 year joke
512. many politicians have tip-toed into government -- behind lies
513. tick tock tick tock the time is running out -- for some politicians
514. there is a huge global movement -- towards involvement
515. there is a voice calling for action -- against violence
516. global warming-- is another democratic lie
517. why are the business policies -- against America
518. after years of wrangling -- we now have a poverty making health care plan
519. deaf ears -- all judges have 1 set
520. who says no one will agree with -- my real life thoughts
521. to find a attorney -- scour the sewers
522. who is not in the business of helping the public -- only controlling it
523. there must be a reason for all of this -- what is it
524. government doesn't pay for anything -- its my money
525. let us all be tested -- to see who is worthy
526. stay out of the rain -- unless you are wearing rubber boots
527. our current administration -- has no courage
528. extremely beautiful sunsets out there -- enjoy some
529. we need a automatic organizer in our lives
530. government workers care about two things -- quitting time and paychecks
531. so many good people contributed to the bible
532. yehaw mortality is great -- because GOD is waiting
533. dead beat dads -- add to the load
534. pet projects are all -- politicians think about
535. old politicians may just fade away -- but only after they have spent all my money
536. i work hard to produce food -- so why don't i get the same retirement benefits law enforcement gets -- who produce nothing
537. reject attorneys -- become judges
538. another milestone for America -- we now have the biggest butts in the world
539. beach balls and politicians are both -- full of foul air
540. policemen and snakes both have -- venom in their mouths
541. to make a parole officer happy -- just give them a lolly-pop
542. the highest IQ for a policeman is -- 4 or 5 maybe
543. why do all parole officers -- have a fat butt
544. its a good thing i have -- dementia
545. watching TV -- doesn't teach you to read
546. politicians are not supposed to be rivals -- but to represent the people
547. politicians should feel very uncomfortable -- but they don't
548. dismantle our present government -- it just doesn't work
549. Satan has unleashed -- a barrage of attacks on us
550. all kids seem to need help now -- so where are all the parents
551. you can't substitute quality time -- with a TV
552. no i do not agree with -- all these miscarriages of justice
553. i guess one tea party -- was not enough
554. cut all government workers wages -- down to the level of a manure -spreaders
555. they did nothing to earn it -- so remove all government pensions
556. we make room for fools and idiots -- in the house and senate
557. judges could restore lives -- but they choose to destroy them
558. how could anyone be so stupid as to vote for fools and idiots
559. why do we have to filter -- our drinking water
560. tighten your belt America -- famine is coming
561. failure to perform -- will result in termination
562. guy's like me are a dime a dozen -- politicians are worth nothing
563. soup kitchens will soon serve soup cold -- there's no money to heat it
564. turn off the heat in Washington -- see how they like it
565. what is red all over -- and mad as hell -- everyone
566. change the law -- so they can also marry a horse
567. have we lost our -- pioneer spirit
568. sperm -- be careful where you use it
569. without buckets of trash food -- fat people would starve
570. without poor and helpless people -- prosecutors would have no job
571. all government employees are tough -- how to feed bullshit to the world
572. first strike a match -- second -- look for a government employees butt
573. i break for all pedestrians -- just when -- depends on where they work
574. one nurse is worth -- 5000 government employees
575. in all government buildings -- coffee like cigarettes should be banned
576. governments are the cause of the -- congestion
577. who approves of the -- peoples barricades
578. maybe we can't throw bottles or rocks -- but we can throw the bums out in 2012
579. disruptions and accusations -- that's the way to go people -- grab the tea bags on the way out
580. redeploy our congress and president
581. hunker down people -- this crisis will not last
582. curfew is next -- for all of us
583. congress's job is -- making people afraid
584. our presidents closest associate -- is not GOD
585. telephone me when they -- are all gone
586. out congress is no longer -- legally obligated to work
587. cheating on both sides -- is all they know
588. true results -- will never be published
589. real opinions of our countrymen -- are not shared by our president
590. confiscation is another word for -- stealing by police
591. drive the country to chaos -- you pigs - fools - and idiots
592. democrats use a election -- to start a crisis
593. who feels intimidated -- everyone should
594. rainfall will not -- cleanse the world of attorneys
595. its wonderful when a judge uses you -- for a dart board
596. calls for calm in congress -- fall on deaf ears
597. the laugh in court for today was -- act responsibility and peacefully
598. an attorneys stronghold is -- called a court room
599. complacency -- has doomed us all
600. the sexual behavior of young adults -- sucks
601. a surge in honesty -- is needed
602. we are making great travel plans for democrats -- in 2012
603. suicide is outrageous
604. brain time -- when does it begin
605. the transmission cycle for democrats -- is almost over
606. attorneys lead everyone to -- brimstone
607. outsourcing our jobs -- is outrageous behavior by big business
608. where do i find -- good clean drinking water
609. there is strong evidence -- for the return of JESUS
610. my diagnoses for mankind -- makes me sad
611. you deserve what you get -- with unprotected sex
612. there is a slow but steady decrease -- in trust
613. at the current rate of decline -- we may see the distruction of mankind
614. we no longer can be bought -- with blankets or pretty beads
615. do aggressive screening -- before you vote again
616. eradicate attorneys -- before it is to late
617. who can help us with -- the prevention of democrats
618. wealthier countries are loosing -- all they have worked
620. the job of the members in congress -- is to push through shit
621. why should we be afraid -- just 2 more years and we could be free
622. why does a judge -- remind you of a vampire
623. armed men -- are all around us
624. after receiving initial election results -- we all got sick
625. carnage is the job -- of policemen
626. arresting someone is considered -- recreation by police
627. we are witnessing -- a massacre of justice
628. learn to be alone -- so you can just think
629. beauty is more than skin deep -- it goes to the soul
630. a modest woman is worth 1000 girls who dress like tramps -- so men will watch their butts swing
631. impeachment should be -- a national cry
632. ask GOD when life begins -- he knows
633. this country was enshrined with a constitution -- why change it
634. a culpable violation of the constitution -- is in progress
635. based on climatological data -- the world is just fine for 2 more years
636. we need a cyclone in Washington -- to stir things up
637. our present phenomenon -- is not new
638. we have a tip for all democrats -- leave
639. you really don't know any man -- by his works alone
640. what we need in government -- is specialists
641. we are concerned with the increase of -- agencies in government
642. prepare for landslides -- in 2012
643. how do we earn -- our own forgiveness
644. informants come in 2 sizes -- big and bigger
645. only democrats -- change their stories
646. any judge can lock up your body -- but don't give them your mind
647. some people are stuck -- on stupid
648. killing is a raw taste -- of poison
649. a concentration camp -- is just a prison or visa versa
650. its an honor and privilege -- to help worthy students
651. what good is a phone call -- if your just going to talk shit
652. i feel grateful for my Carma -- wife - family - life - friends
653. sip sour -- with a small spoon
654. enjoy life -- because we are all -- condemned to death
655. everyone should know what it feels like -- to be locked-up
656. confine people like animals -- is that our new way
657. i hope my blood stains those -- who torture me
658. weeping may endure for a night -- but joy comet the morning
659. cut back on drama -- that shit gets old
660. is all reason -- dead
661. nothing is more disgusting -- than a vulgar display -- of authority
662. more money can't mask -- the judicial problem
663. there is arrogance to each -- but beware of the vermin
664. they threaten all that is good -- they are lives exceptions
665. if prisoners were freed sooner -- they could get back into the flow easier
666. most politicians -- rather enjoy -- playing god
667. i have to live with -- what I've got
668. its easy for politicians -- to throw stones
669. review the 1973 official -- C.I.A. manual of trickery
670. surreptitious removable of objects -- in the C.I.A. manual
671. being a democrat -- is still the best way -- to appear dumb
672. some minds are truly -- manipulated
673. courts are like -- a zing riddle
674. over time -- even wrong things -- become normal
676. covert behavioral protocols -- sound familiar
677. psychological hemorrhage -- is what courts -- try to accomplish
678. police and courts cause deep wounds -- that often have no words to describe
679. John F. Kennedy was right -- splinter C.I A. into a thousand pieces
680. is this country -- gruesome enough -- for you yet
681. courts wage an incredible campaign -- of domestic torture
682. GOD just loves -- our extreme inhumane torturing -- of civilians
683. only courts -- can violate human -- and constitutional rights
684. we are all targeted individuals -- for the courts
685. government sanctioned operations are shrouded -- in total secrecy
686. we have been targets for torture -- for a very long time
687. we have fallen victim -- to warrentless surveillance
688. police use insults -- taunts and threats -- to the point of death -- why
689. we need freedom from court harassment -- and surveillance
690. the easy targets for police are -- the ones with pain and the elderly
691. we need a population adjustment -- remove all policemen
692. life has been devastated -- by abuse
693. what happened to America's -- bright future
694. illegal wire tapping -- is still legal to do
695. our most life threatening matter -- is the obstructions to our civil rights
696. does this sound familiar -- animalistic torture from within
697. GOD is not an -- angry tyrant
698. why are policemen still free -- to roam the streets
699. we have to learn to control -- our bias's
700. i sometimes feel like i have had my head -- shoved in a toilet
675. there is no legislation -- preventing experiments -- in manipulating
701. policemen and attorneys -- have core character flaws
702. congress is -- a malignant scourge
703. problems -- are flexible
704. bind the forces -- of darkness
705. we are now -- like little blades of grass
706. most people are not lucky enough -- to get what they want
707. stuff you have accumulated -- is not worth much anymore
708. policemen and attorneys -- are absolutely scandalous
709. right no longer has any meaning -- only truth
710. those who live by the law -- are cruel -- because they have no feelings
711. how can you give back life -- you have taken away from those you have put into prison
712. David was a adulterer -- and yet GOD forgave him
713. Moses was a murderer -- yet GOD used him -- in spite of his human failings
714. rules by threat -- are rules by intimidation
715. what we have is abuse from -- superior strength
716. police and attorneys -- try to drag us down to their cesspool of slime
717. courts steal everything from you -- even your voice
718. anyone -- could be taken away tomorrow
719. why is -- everyone underwater
720. we no longer have complete ownership -- of ourselves
721. we die in vain -- if we act with cruelty
722. if i want to make a difference -- am i out of place
723. never chase dreams -- more than you chase after JESUS
724. listening to a fancy talker -- is going backwards
725. everything will endure -- long after we are history
726. we are richer -- than we cry
727. your only old -- if you have no motivation
728. i am relevant
729. the locals here -- want freedom again
730. our world suffers a lot -- because of silence
731. looking for courage -- in a layer of cowards
732. the magic bullet has been found -- its GOD
733. we the people -- should begin making noise now
734. run on broken wheels if need be -- to gain your freedom
735. judges have the power to put us to death -- or to set us free
736. we need to -- rewind i think
737. leave a dignified message -- when you leave
738. i will offer a prayer -- to those who hurt me
739. realize just how much -- GOD really loves you
740. alone -- is the hard way -- to pass away
741. you kill all you send -- to prison
742. all of us have -- unreasonable desires
743. i may not be able -- to make the next corner
744. policemen and attorneys -- often make a pact with Satan
745. we disappear -- one day at a time
746. we need -- sustainable development
747. the angel of death -- is always close
748. its much to late now -- to turn back
749. world domination -- has been tried already
750. the revenge department -- is already full

751. a punch in the gut -- usually -- wakes you up
752. the end really is -- out there somewhere
753. undermine my plans -- if that makes you feel powerful
754. go ahead -- demonize me
755. it does not matter when JESUS was born -- only that he was
756. life is not best on the top -- or on the bottom
757. why does man try to limit -- the size of the universe
758. is it important that we find -- lots of planets like ours
759. why -- do we wonder
760. do we all dream -- every night
761. we do not need to -- pursue uniqueness
762. is distinctiveness -- a good quality
763. chaos changes something -- or nothing -- or everything
764. we glean a lot more information -- from failures
765. weird -- is becoming very popular
766. relax and learn to obsess less -- not more
767. how did we evolve -- into uniqueness
768. we now do not want -- to fit in
769. we may have some reverse thing -- going on out there
770. there is a lot of mimicry going on -- in Washington
771. any of us could easily be -- assassinated now
772. governments and courts -- have angered us all
773. democrats walk hand in hand -- with organized crime
774. organized crime -- owns governments
775. American democracy -- has disappeared
776. TV can deeply -- mislead people
777. its impossible to have -- inaccurate opinions
778. everything is an embarrassment -- for our present administration
779. there is a growing mystery -- over the whereabouts of justice
780. character assassination -- is now as easy to do to someone -- as taking a drink of water
781. politics is only -- us verses them
782. is it your dream -- to tear up -- or ruin -- my dream
783. must you prove -- you are a tough guy -- stupid
784. represent America with kindness -- to the worlds people
785. i enjoy spending the afternoon -- with the lessor creatures
786. i will soon hold -- the last of my life -- in my hands
787. governments -- stalk our money
788. constitutional rights violators -- are governments
789. governments are heartless -- ruthless -- with no remorse -why
790. democrats have a small problem -- getting down off their cross
791. we all cross -- that same river
792. yes -- we do live in a world -- gone mad
793. prisons= internment camps=concentration camps -- why
794 my body is now numb coz i am old -- so begrudgingly -- i give up
795. we should be interested in justice -- not just a conviction
796. we all keep -- corruption in business
797. when JESUS CHRIST preached and healed -- we killed him -- whats with that
798. we all have so many -- human failings
799. we all just love -- treachery
800. save a spot for me in the dungeon -- i am almost there
801. wait -- i need to rest at the -- exhausted station
802. all of us are over qualified -- for the position of stupid
803. we have now become -- plastic people
804. all those who walk in the sword -- are attorneys
805. there is now indescribable fear -- among us
806. people really in love with GOD -- never cheat
807. sometimes -- life is out of control
808. are we over -- with wrong now
809. are you full of -- wonderful ideas
810. its not me -- it must be you who is humble
811. who is the genius -- here
812. see how all of you -- give me ideas
813. these laws will last -- for forever
814. we need to watch all attorneys -- walk into the volcano
815. if you are coming to the race -- bring your best horse
816. show also the judges -- the way to the volcano
817. we need more happy thoughts -- to make our day
818. where did all our happiness go -- and who took it from us
819. let us ban our present congressmen -- from serving again
820. we are becoming -- cam ugly
821. practice -- until you are perfect
822. will you please help me up -- when i fall
823. may the arc of the covenant -- bless us all
824. i seem to be gaining -- on my mind
825. no day -- is a bad day now
826. we are not blinded by faith -- but by lies
827. a simple leaf -- means so much to GOD
828. why do we smile -- when we see a new baby
829. are dreams real or are we -- just in another dimension as we dream
830. who really controls -- my destiny
831. lets make a tax deal -- I'll keep my money -- you spend yours
832. only one can create -- the impossible
833. the moon -- is just right for life
834. reclaim your life -- enjoy the view
835. why -- do plants grow
836. we should arm ourselves -- with knowledge
837. school teaches all of us -- something
838. paint -- your own picture
839. push yourself -- to the limit
840. rise above your pain -- look to the stars
841. is GOD -- behind schedule
842. if my thoughts bother you -- stop reading
843. beyond our world lies GOD -- and our future
844. angels -- help us everyday
845. does love feel good -- to you
846. does a smile -- make your day
847. do you tell your people -- that you love them
848. why do we care -- so much for others
849. injustice can only be committed -- by the court system
850. we are all -- detained
851. all my adult life i have had back pain -- be careful you do not join me
852. a box has how many sides -- 4 - 6 - 8 - 10 -- or more
853. what size -- is our world
854. which way -- is up
855. who is right -- and who is wrong
856. business exerts the corrupt influence -- on the government
857. people power -- it is almost here
858. government must become -- vibrant again
859. we the people must be -- the guardians against corruptions
860. where do we find that sandy beach -- full of pretty girls
861. competition is 2 boys and 10 women -- together
862. a problem might be -- 1 man -- and only 6 bottles of beer
863. do we have enough -- controversies yet
864. everyone should defend -- democracy
865. give us a sensible law -- so we can brag about it
866. is your lifestyle up -- or down
867. is fun -- exaggerated
868. all of us -- hate to be forced
869. does made in this country -- sound good to you
870. unimpeded travel -- no longer exists
871. keep alternate routes -- handy
872. which access -- leads to heaven
873. freedom -- begins at home
874. what -- is your objective
875. we expect continued -- and further congestion
876. why dies a apple -- taste so good
877. why is our world -- much more exciting in our youth
878. beauty comes -- at a price
879. enjoy your orange -- GOD will make more
880. it takes clean air -- to make the lungs feel good
881. do we really need to go -- so fast
882. what ever happened to -- professional ethics
883. democrats massacred -- our freedoms
884. where -- does up begin
885. did fingers come before -- chop sticks
886. when did birds learn -- to sing
887. why do eye's -- come in different colors
888. a diamond is not important -- its how we use it that is
889. a wedding ring -- can be a dangerous weapon
890. does eating grapes -- make you smile
891. your first day at school should have been fun -- your last sad
892. what do you get -- when you have a mouth full of chicken
893. everyone -- should pass away free
894. beware -- you can get lost -- on your way to heaven
895. sometimes -- 1 penny is enough
896. everyone needs a slice -- of hot apple pie with ice cream
897. why do we -- sit in chairs
898. will tomorrow be a better day -- does it even matter
899 is the fight for freedom -- worth the fight
900. give the devil the slip -- smile
901. why does GOD let us -- dream of mango's
902. does hurt -- ever take the day off
903. it might help -- if i knew your point of view
904. the best potato comes -- from which state
905. where will people be living -- when this world is gone
906. why did GOD make all the girls i love -- beautiful
907. balance the federal budget -- fire all of congress -- turn off the lights and heat on your way out the door
908. a mango a day -- keeps the frowns away
909. the slippery tongues of democrats -- really burns my butt
910. challenges still remain -- because of past failures in government
911. why did we loose -- all discipline
912. i will accept nothing -- that isn't mine to have
913. stop the prejudices in court -- leave it home
914. whatever is just around the corner -- might be worse than what we already
915. to many of us operate -- under the allure of grandeur
916. catch me if you can -- when my mind is not in a rage
917. some will achieve success in GOD's eye's -- others will fail
918. i may not be completely strong enough -- to forgive you
919. do nothing -- halfway
920. look -- beyond yourself
921. a thorn -- is just a liberal on recess
922. simple -- is best
923. problems -- swim in drugs
924. stupid -- swims in beer
925 scandal is not just -- limited to me
926. kids and liberals -- never give a pluck
927. already you have given me -- an attitude
928. your problem is -- your not a crook
929. no abortions -- except for rape or incest
930. explain this to me -- it costs less -- less than what
931. what is the treasure -- everyone is talking about
932. purely privileged interests -- are set by fools
933. if your right -- you don't need validation
934. we are sometimes blind -- to reality around us
935 skin is such -- a wonderful organ
936. from sticks and stones -- to the moon
937. after any crisis -- its hard to get back on track
938. all of us try to find -- relevance
939. we may leave this world in better hands someday -- or bitter one's
940. remember every honeymoon -- you don't have
941. your lucky -- if the grass still grows -- on your street
942. save the earth -- get rid of liberals
943. paying taxes is the same -- as paying alimony
944. its someone's birthday today -- wish them well
945. the human mind is never at rest -- now if i could just remember where i lost mine
946. i am worse than i should be -- and getting worse
947. do you -- share always
948. cheating -- only leads to failure
949. give orders -- take orders -- or get out of the way
950. after we butcher the hog -- let us die gallantly
951. you may have money or power over me -- but does that make you better than me in GOD's eye's
952. i am a huge fan of GOD -- even if i am little
953. JESUS will soon come again -- and turn over many tables
954. messengers of evil -- are among us
955. courage -- is a powerful weapon
956. walk softly -- as you carry your big stick
957. who says you can not -- have your own opinion
958. after you sign in -- be nice
959. never expect back -- as much as you put in
960. be an explorer -- search for knowledge and truth
961. help or support -- can be found in GOD's house
962. the extended service plan -- is heaven
963. why did GOD create time -- for his use or ours
964. how long did it take GOD -- to create salt
965. are we using -- all that GOD created
966. does GOD -- reside in the center of your home
967. our faith is renewable -- if we loose it
968. we should share our lessons -- even as our body falls away
969. walk side by side holding hands -- not one behind the other
970. we all need to slow down -- making senseless paperwork
971. snow is GOD's frosting -- on the cake
972. understand the needs -- of the young and the old
973. no matter the pay -- always do your best work
974. at least every month -- plant a tree or something
975. your legacy should be -- a positive one
976. your efforts at home -- should be beyond maximum
977. if you are growing increasingly distant from GOD -- maybe you better retrace your steps
978. you can't run away -- from what is inside of you
979. we are all so happy to hear a babies first words -- then all we say to them is to shut up
980. a double cross -- is so cowardly
981. translate everything you hear -- into the truth
982. with so much stress in our lives now -- how do we relax
983. do not close your eyes -- towards success
984. on your way to go have fun -- pick up your smile
985. your wait for any service now -- will take lots longer from now on
986. its a good thing i lost my mind -- before my body quit working so i did not notice
987. all attached amendments on bills -- just steal money from us
988. turn the tables -- on Satan
989. liberals run in neutral -- or in reverse
990. there must be more ways -- for democrats to steal more money from us
991. what will politicians do -- after they bankrupt our country
992. do dill pickle slices help the taste -- of a ham and cheese sandwich
993. which tastes better -- a apple pie or a cherry pie
994. we need a mango -- the size of a watermelon
995. soon computers will drive -- our bicycles
996. if everyone had computers -- would we need schools
997. why oh why is the world -- so full of lies
998. choose your job carefully -- it might bite you on the butt someday
999. why did we kill -- so many Indians
1000. today can be the best day -- but tomorrow must be a better day

1001. what does experience teach us -- nothing - something - everything
1002. our moral fiber -- has been more than weakened
1003. are we just pupets -- to be stolen from in mass
1004. when will the real -- prophet come
1005. when our country is debt free -- will we all be free again
1006. did GOD ask you -- to hurt someone today
1007. my lovely wife armi and mt friends -- gives me purpose
1009. when did our survetude to our government begin
1010. who will represent me -- before GOD
1011. we need a more delicious world -- support genetically improved crops
1012. we are doomed until -- we get all liberals out off washington
1013. why do all politicians -- end up rich
1014. if you legalize booze -- cigarettes - politicans - gay rights -- then why not drugs
1015. a courtroom -- is just a sacrificial alter
1016. make everyone else angry -- go out in public
1017. full of wrong is better than -- full of liberal shit
1018. negative and positive equals -- pay attention hummburgler people
1019. thats way funny mr president -- keep up with the liberal giveaways
1020. you break my heart -- with your liberal lies
1021. TV makes our hearts ache -- sometimes
1022. liberal hold-uppers -- rule our present government
1023. he might be famious -- but he also has no brains
1024. worse than worst -- i think maybe
1025. our flag used to mean -- strength and freedom -- before the liberals distroyed it
1026. a web search -- is looking for spiders
1027. study -- not just refresh
1028. rickshaw drivers -- unite
1029. attorney's and judge's -- remind me of bitibot characters
1030. St. Joseph College -- is a wonderful start
1031. the status quo -- is not good enough
1032. save your teeth -- just say no to excess sweets
1033. shoot grandma if mom gets angry with us
1034. intense praying -- can't hurt
1035. can you be open minded -- and forgiving when you see a liberal
1036. governments never -- make apologies
1037. there are many opportunities -- don't just sit there take chances
1038. don't turn your back -- on GOD
1039. make each moment -- count for something
1040. passion awaits -- all who give it
1041. friends -- can be demanding
1042. tackle all your little projects -- get them out of your way
1043. don't start anything new -- unless you plan to finish it
1044. you may discover a hole -- in your attorneys head
1045. make sure you do not -- spend frivolously
1046. romance is on the rise -- have you earned yours yet
1047. upswing your life -- with love
1048. keep your eye's out -- for liberals
1049. a dry cleaner can not remove -- the stains of lies
1050. is your partner -- closer than you think
1051. household chores -- can wear you out
1052. there are times for serious moods -- and for play
1053. its up to us now -- to tie up the loose ends
1054. clear the decks -- make room for more conservatives
1055. wonderful opportunities -- await us in 2012
1056. let your conscience -- be your guide
1057. understanding comes from -- those who know
1058. listen -- to your heart
1059. plan a playtime everyday -- with your young children
1060. isolate problems -- don't take them home
1061. your hunch -- might be wrong
1062. those of us who are older -- have a fond memory of what freedom was
1063. conquer -- your fears
1064. we are all somewhat sensative -- to criticism
1065. focus on relaxation -- with your children
1066. resolve any particular problem -- take it to GOD
1067. liberals can be detrimental -- to your health
1068. do your best -- forget the rest
1069. pass it on -- never pass it back
1070. i see -- time is having a effect
1071. anyone will reduce themselves -- if they hang around with the wrong croud
1072. calm -- is gone
1073. don't give up like -- auntie humpty dumb dumb
1074. if you don't agree with me -- your fired
1075. when you were born -- did they cut off your tail
1076. policemen i think should pack now -- for their trip to hell
1077. it takes lots of self descipline -- to succeed
1078. contradicting media is where -- misinformation reigns
1079. beware of those bent -- on revenge
1080. arguing is just -- a waste of time
1081. don't waste your time -- talking gossip or trash on the phone
1082. we have a cultural disdain -- or liberals now
1083. the allegations against liberals -- are mostly true
1084. maybe liberals need a condom-- over their mouths
1085. we have to many -- regressive laws
1086. our national embarrassment -- is liberalism
1087. ill-equipped laws -- prove what
1088. we have a huge hurdle to pass to rid us of liberals
1089. the bible should be the potential model -- for our laws
1090. people are slandered first in the media -- then tried in the courts
1091. expand your mind -- read the bible
1092. find your way -- navigate through the lies
1093. offer hope -- to those you meet
1094. liberals encourage -- the use of lies
1095. TV adds are -- very misleading
1096. don't overstate -- the efficiency of anything
1097. minimize serious risks -- vote out liberals
1098. only serious violations -- occur in courts
1099. the horrific side effect of having police -- is fear
1100. the flip side of courts -- is freedom for all
1101.  GOD wanted to share his beautiful view -- so he made us
1102.  GOD uses a long ruler -- to measure time
1103.  everyone has -- a mischievous side
1104.  don't let people play you -- for a fool
1105.  even small signs of affection -- are worth notice
1106.  don't let liberals negative thinking -- disrupt you
1107.  therapy is not the answer -- to your worries
1108.  open your heart -- to GOD
1109.  its time to let go -- of the past
1110.  you would do well -- to consider GOD's offer
1111.  what is real -- and what is not
1112.  you may not get much done -- but try
1113.  keep your plans -- flexable and godly
1114.  all of us -- loose sometimes
1115.  liberals have -- hidden agendas
1116.  irreparable damage has been done -- by liberals and liberalism
1117.  if good fortune comes your way -- share it
1118.  are you bored yet --with the routine of courts
1119.  discuss how to spend -- your leasure time
1120.  avoid -- over spending
1121.  clear the air -- of  fools and idiots
1122.  don't become embroiled -- in any friends problems
1123.  don't give -- advise
1124.  don't pass judgement -- to soon
1125.  you can find luck everywhere -- open your eye'
1126.  GOD's energy giving sun -- is still working
1127.  drop your bad habits -- now
1128.  opportunity could slip past -- if you are not ready for it
1129.  do not trust anyone -- with your money
1130.  everyone is vulnerable -- to deceit
1131.  any of us can be unemployed -- at any time
1132.  don't let friends -- convince you of anything
1133.  lock people up -- until the soul dies
1134.  no wonder we are in so much trouble in washington DC -- with so many rattle snakes and cotton mouths in attendence
1135.  behind every great man -- is a greater woman
1136.  a mans job is the smear -- his sweeties lipstick
1137.  how many years -- did GOD give moses
1138.  how heavy -- was noah's arc
1139.  you never get on top -- if you take short cuts
1140.  i suspect no one -- and everyone
1141 . love is stronger -- than life itself
1142.  discover your love -- slowly
1143.  why did GOD -- create waterfalls
1144.  where is the top -- of the world
1145.  why do i ask -- questions
1146.  who named -- all the colors
1147.  am i a failure -- or a success
1148.  domestic violence -- is not necessary
1149.  let us change -- the world together
1150.  we need to find a virus-induced-gene -- to silence liberals
1151.  invest in your future -- read GOD's book about JESUS
1152.  corruption in government -- is nothing new
1153.  a handful of raisins -- makes my day
1154.  never -- block the road
1155.  spread the chear -- JESUS is near
1156.  why does evil have -- so many followers
1157.  never shout -- at grandma
1158.  never trust anyone except GOD or JESUS -- with your money
1159.  i woke up today -- so for me its a wonderful day indeed
1160.  yehaw -- thats right
1161.  use your clicker -- to rid us of liberals
1162.  why do you have a sad face -- did you get caught in a lie
1163.  everyone has a price for sex -- whats yours
1164.  our liberal fools created -- all the unrest of today
1165.  why does TV news of today -- have to beat a story to death
1166.  sensationalizing news on TV -- whips a country into frenzies
1167.  i make a poor -- beggar
1168.  a toilet has a purpose -- to keep your butt out of the dirt
1169.  how do we know if we are right -- if we think we are right
1170.  what is the -- 7th warning sign
1171.  is cotton -- better than silk
1172.  fat people -- can't jump
1173.  sometimes simple -- is beautiful
1174.  persicute = prosecute
1175.  nobody -- is the whole team
1176.  never let anyone -- see you get mad
1177.  i am not hard-headed -- just right
1178.  we all learn quick -- when we pay attention
1179.  without GOD -- there is only nothingness
1180.  a toilet seat -- was not made for a big butt
1181.  insignificant bullies -- are just small onion's
1182.  why do we search -- for fame and glory
1183.  the script of life -- is not written yet
1184.  don't memorize lines -- be yourself
1185.  which hat -- will you wear today
1186.  manage -- your expectations
1187.  a hero is just someone -- who cared
1188.  whats the worth of living -- without hope
1189.  courts use the principle of presumption  -- against the people
1190.  presumption -- is always rebuttable
1191.  why do we shoot -- our own people
1192.  the shadows -- are getting closer
1193.  this world is perfect -- and fills lots of body bags
1194.  family greed -- is not necessary
1195.  why are we so proud -- of our own righteousness
1196.  liberals have assumed an air of superiority -- over silent people
1197.  look at the ruler -- and tell me how cold it is
1198.  don't try to get away -- with alot
1199. you need more metacognition -- in your life
1200.  on christmas day -- thank GOD for JESUS
1201.  prices are marked down -- to get your last peso
1202.  the purpose of marriage -- is to share your joy
1203.  never surrender -- your freedoms
1204.  our government has kicked GOD and JESUS -- out of our lives
1205.  its we the people -- not we the government
1206.  the glue that sticks 2 people together -- is love
1207.  focus on solutions -- not problems
1208.  life is to short to focus on -- intrigues and envies
1209.  when you see ( caution wet floor ) -- do you speed up
1210.  aie knows kung fu - karate -- and 77 other dangerious words
1211.  life is about happiness -- we are here for a good time -- not a long time
1212.  what ever the question might be -- be happy with the answer
1213.  empty pockets never held anyone back -- only empty heads
1114.  its not what you have -- its what you use that counts
1115.  do not disappoint your haters -- keep rocking hard
1116.  sometimes -- we are all bogus buyers
1117.  life is to short -- for your stupidity
1118.  why do we want to know -- the future
1119.  we all have -- our pleasures
1120.  are we an asset -- or a liability
1121.  how fast can gravity -- accelerate  an object
1122.  why do we move 7 different directions -- through the heavens
1123.  is round better -- than squar
1124.  how many different shapes -- have sides
1125. can GOD -- change the speed of light
1226.  does -- gravity move
1227.  do we all see yellow -- as the same color
1228.  leave -- a good legacy
1229.  giving -- is its own reward
1230.  never over play -- your hand
1231.  enjoy today -- tomorrow will come soon enough
1232.  christmas celebrates -- a wedding of a holy day and a holiday
1233.  forgive those who have stolen from us -- and our ancestors
1234.  our struggle -- is a daily one
1235.  there can be but one final outcome -- on earth as it is in heaven
1236.  who chooses to ferment -- his spirit in each of us
1237.  where is the workshop -- on reconceliation
1238.  liberals -- orchestrate crisis's
1239.  there is no honor -- among the liberals in congress
1240.  there is no repentance among -- judges
1241.  use your great power -- to do good not evil
1242.  GOD is the only explanation for -- the perfect universe
1243.  you get much better -- when you become completely greatful
1244.  your vision is only as powerful -- as your commitment
1245.  liberals have -- no rhyme or reason period
1246.  why -- do people gawk
1247.  the courts -- have butchered -- our society
1248.  the prisons want people -- to graze like sheep
1249.  our oppressors -- are disguised as policemen
1250.  liberals want to be -- our conquerors
1251.  we live in the bitterness -- of injustice
1252.  liberals want the rest of us -- exiled
1253.  take back what the politicians -- have stolen from us
1254.  politicians live a long time -- coz their health package is excellent
1255.  be a help -- not a hinderance
1256.  spirit of rebolt -- is in the air
1257.  i want peace of mind -- not war
1258.  be aware of your errors -- do not repeat them
1259.  we have found our evil enemy -- and it is us
1260.  courts represent -- the focus of evil
1261.  at the end of the bridge -- you will see and know yourself
1262.  strike a balance -- between the many evils
1263.  how many is enough -- amenities
1264.  shun the sun -- it burns deep
1265.  peace is no longer -- readily available
1266.  what happened to our -- natural ecosystem
1267.  all of us live in -- endangered islands
1268.  be free and not connected to -- the rest of civilization
1269.  you are free -- to be happy
1270.  are my remarks and behavior -- ungentlemanly
1271.  who says liberals and courts are -- fanatical detractors
1272.  every attorney wants a sidekick -- with a palm leaf
1273.  suspend -- all governments
1274.  liberals recruit -- fools and idiots i think
1275.  cowardly liberals -- have emerged victorious

1276.  long live the past -- when all men were free
1277.  attorneys now -- are comedy kings
1278.  disclaimer -- do the views and observations here represent the author
1279.  all money will soon be gone -- thank you and long live the liberals
1280.  collect seashells now -- they will soon again be money
1281.  does the word attorney -- fill you with nervious apprehension
1282.  the problem with working -- is that it takes up to much of your free time
1283.  the pain and cost of freedom -- is very high
1284.  love -- helps keep you young
1285.  none of us can hope for legal protection -- from courts
1286.  may your offspring forever -- be damned with you
1287.  the verdict -- is not always correct or right
1288.  most court sentences -- are cruel and shameful
1289.  a decree of starvation -- is coming by this damned government
1290.  treason -- comes to my mind now
1291.  a deepening crisis -- is all around us
1292.  attorneys, police and the court system -- feed on death
1293.  make your future -- a good and wonderful one
1294.  is a prosecutors motive against people -- revenge
1295.  when governments lie long enough -- they start to believe their own lies
1296.  learn to understand -- your emotions
1297.  please don't -- disrespect others
1298.  if you are around liberals or attorneys very long -- you might forget how to talk
1299.  liberals and attorneys think they are exempt -- from civilized conduct
1300.  everything may change except -- my love for JESUS


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