Thursday, December 24, 2009

Santa Tracker 2009 - Google Earth | Where is Santa | Santa Tracker Map 2009

Merry Christmas! Christmas Eve, that is, and you know what that means. Santa Claus is coming to town! How long until he arrives? Can you spot him in flight?

NORAD Santa tracker 2009: Children can track Santa Clause using the same high-tech device used by the Military. The NORAD Santa Tracker 2009 is a great way for children of all ages to see when they will get their presents from Ol Saint Nick.

How does the NORAD Santa Tracker work? There are state of the art tracking systems that include satellites, radar, fighter jets, and Santa Cams. NORAD is alerted by the high tech system whenever Santa’s sleigh pulls away from his home at the North Pole. The red nose on Rudolph also serves as a way for satellites to keep track of Santa and his Christmas loot. High speed cameras that are dubbed “Santa Cams” film footage of the sleigh and flying reindeer going through the sky. Fighter jets make sure that Santa stays safe and welcome him in to North America.

For more information how to track Santa. Click here.

1 comment:

  1. where is santa? i want a gift, christmas is sad
