Friday, March 19, 2010

Jesse James Mistriss

Jesse James mistriss goes by the name of Michelle, a beautiful name indeed for a beautiful body. Soon after the affair ended Michelle took her story to the papers and told them all that there was to tell about what had occurred between the two but speculation is boiling that Michelle might have exaggerated the affair for publicity related motives though she claims in the interview that if there was something that she wasn’t, it was a home wrecker. Michelle was looking for a little show of hers in which she could model alongside the West Coast Choppers for having so many amazingly colorful markings on her body, she is a tattoo model and has appeared on the cover of a Tattoo magazine.

The correct spelling of mistriss is “mistress” and there is no way that an educated person could get those spellings wrong but then again who am I to judge anyone? And to prove that I don’t really care, I will use the incorrect spelling throughout the article.


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