Saturday, February 6, 2010

Marriage Contracts With Expiration In the Philippines

This is yet another stupid claim. I have disputed the legal stipulations of the sanctity of marriage in Philippine society with some people who study law.

The legal stipulation is that you cannot easily seperate a man and a woman without solid grounds on why the marriage should be nulled or void or even annulled. Meaning, only the judge can decide if both parties can be legally allowed to marry again after all of the custody battle and division of assets are said and done. You can try to settle for a legal seperation, but does not allow you to legally marry anyone.

This law allows three things on the top of my head. First, It allows to override the legal system and its stupid stipulation so the couple only has to wait 10 years and they are done. Second, if renewed, taxes or fees can be issued which allows more income for corruption on the government. Third, this can cause major custody battles if one of the parties does not want to sign the renewal of the contract. Once they have gained what they need, then they can take full advantage of the conjugated property obtained from the wealthy party.

If this law was ever made to pass, I would strongly suggest that if you have plenty of material assets, to cover your ass and make your future husband/wife sign a Prenuptial Agreement. This entails fully paid property you have obtained while you were still single and whatever is agreed upon this document will not be subjected to conjugation of property and division of assets when the marriage is annulled.


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